Excellent learning and peer-to-peer networking opportunities with a cross-section of the nuclear industry.
The world’s first certified professional development programme for individuals in nuclear security management.
An extensive archive of information on nuclear security, both from WINS and from external sources.
Helping licensees assess the maturity of their security programme and measure their security culture effectiveness.
WINS is proud to announce recent awards we received from the governments of Norway, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Carnegie New York, which support the essential contribution that WINS makes to the international nuclear security system. These contributions, along with other recent awards to WINS from the governments of New Zealand, the United States, as well as the MacArthur Foundation and corporate donors, will be publicly acknowledged at the Nuclear Industry Summit and related summits in the Netherlands.
We thank our funding organisations for their support and vision, commitment and contribution to the international nuclear security and to the world peace.