Excellent learning and peer-to-peer networking opportunities with a cross-section of the nuclear industry.
The world’s first certified professional development programme for individuals in nuclear security management.
An extensive archive of information on nuclear security, both from WINS and from external sources.
Helping licensees assess the maturity of their security programme and measure their security culture effectiveness.
Results of the survey are very positive and confirm that our Best Practice Guides (BPGs) provide useful reference and guidance in nuclear security management.
Respondents indicate that the WINS BPGs are well structured, informative and concise, and that they are practical guidance documents directly applicable. In particular, 100% of the respondents indicate that:
In addition, 98% of the respondents indicate that publishing the WINS BPGs in different languages is important. However, only 2% of the respondents indicate that, when available, they download the BPGs in another language than English. We acknowledge that publishing Guides in different languages is important and, funding permitting, we will continue to offer WINS BPGs in several languages. We welcome cooperation (funding, peer-review…) from our members and supporters in this regard.
Finally, 55% of the respondents indicate that the WINS BPGs are updated when necessary, 35% think that they should be updated more frequently and 5% indicate that they should be updated less frequently.
We would like to thank all Members who answered this questionnaire for their valuable contribution. Suggestions are being taken into account and we are delighted to announce that a BPG on Effective Integration of Physical and Cyber Security as well as a BPG on Security during the Transport of Radioactive Materials will be published early 2015.
Congratulations to Mr. David Dickey from Canada on winning the July questionnaire Prize draw. Mr. Dickey will have the opportunity to complete the WINS Academy programme of his choice, free of charge.