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Let’s Update Cold War Thinking on Nuclear Security

Let’s Update Cold War Thinking on Nuclear Security

We are pleased to announce the post authored by WINS Executive Director Dr. Howsley, titled “Let’s Update Cold War Thinking on Nuclear Security” on Huffingtonpost.com. The blog series is produced by The Huffington Post and Carnegie Corporation of New York about issues related to the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington this week, where world leaders have gathered to address the threat of nuclear terrorism and steps towards enhancing global nuclear security.
In a excerpt from the post, Dr. Howsley says “I believe strongly that civil nuclear facility operators and regulatory authorities should provide the public with confidence-building assurances about the effectiveness of their security governance arrangements. Such assurances enable external stakeholders — including other governments and the local and international community — to assess how well those arrangements are functioning.” To read the full post, click here.

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