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New Publications on Nuclear Security Support Centres

New Publications on Nuclear Security Support Centres

The IAEA has announced the publication of Establishing and Operating a National Nuclear Security Support Centre, the latest revision of TECDOC 1734.

The document, available here, provides practical guidance on a systematic approach to establishing, operating and sustaining a national nuclear security support centre. WINS contributed to the development of the revised TECDOC 1734, and we strongly encourage all nuclear security training and support organisations around the world to review and benchmark their activities against the guidance.

To provide further support in this area and complement the important work of the IAEA, WINS has developed an ISO 29993:2017 Implementation Handbook: Guidance for Improving Nuclear Security Learning Services. Set to be published in late June, the handbook offers support for organisations that wish to align their training programmes with professional standards developed by a recognised, respected certifying body. Independent assessment of learning services demonstrates the quality and competence of an organisation and gives confidence to stakeholders and learners alike.

The WINS ISO 29993 handbook is intended to assist leaders of training organisations to decide whether to pursue ISO 29993:2017 certification as well as managers responsible for implementing training programmes and/or quality assurance at training organisations. It is also useful for training organisations that are not yet pursuing certification but still wish to improve their overall training effectiveness by considering the topics covered by the standard. In addition to providing an overview of the requirements of ISO 29993:2017, the handbook offers step-by-step guidance for achieving ISO certification. It reviews strategies for overcoming common obstacles and provides case studies from institutions that have completed the process.

Like all WINS publications, ISO 29993:2017 Implementation Handbook: Guidance for Improving Nuclear Security Learning Services will be available in the Knowledge Centre.

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