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Security of Radioactive Sources Used in Industrial Radiation Processing

Radioactive sources used for gamma irradiation have the potential to cause great harm if not properly managed. The risk of terrorism remains a concern and the incidences of cyberattack has significantly increased in recent years, and it is important that security arrangements are assessed and updated on a regular basis. There is therefore a need for the radiation processing industry to take note of international best practice and operational experience.

This guide helps business leaders, radiation safety officers, security specialists, radioactive source users or other stakeholders with responsibility for the management of or security of gamma irradiation facilities — understand and manage security risk.

This Guide also contains a Self-Assessment Questionnaire that stakeholders at all levels of the organisation can use to help determine how effective their current security arrangements are for protecting their organisation’s radioactive sources. The results of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire can then be applied to the five-level Maturity Scale in the Guide.

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Security of Radioactive Sources Used in Industrial Radiation Processing

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