Excellent learning and peer-to-peer networking opportunities with a cross-section of the nuclear industry.
The world’s first certified professional development programme for individuals in nuclear security management.
An extensive archive of information on nuclear security, both from WINS and from external sources.
Helping licensees assess the maturity of their security programme and measure their security culture effectiveness.
It is crucial to evaluate and measure security programmes, processes, plans and more. This is why all of our International Best Practice Guides include practical self-assessment questionnaires directed at such stakeholders as the board, executive management, security directors and regulators. They also include a Security Management Maturity Scale consisting of five different levels of organisational achievement for security. When stakeholders benchmark where they fall on this scale, they are able to identify possible gaps in their security infrastructure and provide a starting point for improvement.
In 2016, we reviewed and published guidance on how to conduct employee attitude surveys. In addition, a major nuclear operator engaged us to help them conduct employee surveys and peer reviews on their security culture. To carry out the project, we designed a questionnaire and associated software to gather anonymous employee responses and conduct a statistical analysis of the results. In undertaking this work, we drew on IAEA recommendations and INPO guidance dealing with the traits that determine an effective nuclear security culture.
We are currently collaborating with the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) to learn more about their approach to peer review in nuclear safety and operations. Our goal is to identify best practices that could be applied to corporate review of security management, assess security culture, and help organisations identify areas where management attention is needed.