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The International Irradiation Association (IIA) has published a white paper in conjunction with the Gamma Industry Processing Alliance (GPA). Titled A Comparison of Gamma, E-beam, X-ray and Ethylene Oxide Technologies for the Industrial Sterilization of Medical Devices and Healthcare Products, the document provides a comprehensive analysis of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the key sterilization modalities used in the healthcare industry.
According to IIA, the purpose of the white paper is to:
…describe the role and importance of the key industrial sterilization methods to the healthcare industry and the means by which each technology ensures that products are safe and ready for their intended use. This paper focusses on the major sterilization modalities, including both radiation based (gamma, e-beam and x-ray) and gas based (Ethylene Oxide), comparing and contrasting them to provide the reader with a greater understanding of the way they work and their capabilities. This paper further highlights the advantages of each technology and describes their limitations.
You can download the paper here.