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Meet a New WINS Academy Ambassador: Beatriz Machado dos Santos

Meet a New WINS Academy Ambassador: Beatriz Machado dos Santos

“It is important to support the development of a network that promotes the sharing of information.”

Beatriz Machado dos Santos, a nuclear engineering PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, discusses the role of knowledge sharing and need for gender balance in the nuclear security sector.

How does sharing of best practices and networking promote nuclear security?

Obtaining reliable information based on past experiences and best practice sharing can support the decision-making process, facilitating the management of a facility and making decisions more assertive and effective. That is why it is important to support the development of a network that promotes the sharing of information to establish a solid foundation in nuclear security.

An example of a successful network established in 2010 is the International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN). INSEN is a partnership through which the IAEA, educational and research institutions, as well as other stakeholders cooperate to promote sustainable nuclear security education.

How does gender balance help to support nuclear security?

It is still common to see women’s skills and knowledge underestimated simply because they are women, or women being treated as passive agents and ignored on several issues. But it is also possible to observe movement toward increasing gender balance to achieve a diverse and inclusive nuclear security sector that can generate better outcomes for the industry and population.

Nuclear security incidents affect men and women; they do not discriminate between genders. We cannot afford to discard the knowledge, experience and skills of a professional due to gender, and we cannot deny women the right to participate in decision-making processes.

Of course, we must remember that the new generations need representative role models to inspire them. Girls need to see women in leadership positions to know that they can get there too.

What was your WINS Academy elective? Why did you choose it?

My WINS Academy elective was Nuclear Security for Scientists, Technicians and Engineers. It had been suggested to me by a Brazilian nuclear security expert after analysing my professional profile.

“Certification will be a great differential in your professional career.”

What inspired you to become a WINS Academy Ambassador?

I am grateful to WINS Academy for the amazing opportunity of obtaining a professional certification at this level. I recognise the importance of professional certification for the nuclear sector, and the programme’s contribution to professional improvement is undeniable due to the information covered during the modules.

I want to promote the programme so other people have access to the same opportunity and consequently strengthen the nuclear security sector.

What advice do you have for current WINS Academy learners or those considering enrolling?

The WINS Academy will take you on a journey that requires commitment and effort, but it is worth every second of dedication. You will learn a lot and obtain an international certification that is gaining more and more prominence and importance in the nuclear security sector. Certification will be a great differential in your professional career.

From Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

How has your organisation benefitted from Beatriz achieving Certified Nuclear Security Professional status?

We believe that networking is fundamental for the strengthening of the nuclear sector; that is why we participate in several national and international organisations. We have the only Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) student chapter in Latin America, and we are members of INSEN.

Currently, Ms. Beatriz Machado dos Santos is one of our most dedicated students in the area of nuclear security and has represented us at several events relevant to our institution. Having well-prepared and up-to-date representatives in the field facilitates the exchange of knowledge and information, always with the aim of strengthening the nuclear sector through the training of human resources and research development. Ms. Beatriz Machado dos Santos has been a role model for her fellow graduate students and the undergraduate students in nuclear engineering, as well as a point of contact with the nuclear security community in Brazil.

“Professional certification is one of the best ways to assess the level of knowledge, skill and experience of our members.”

What role does WINS certification play in your institution’s professional development programme?

As a leading federal university in Brazil, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has about 48,000 undergraduate students and 15,000 graduate students, and it is the only Brazilian university with an undergraduate programme in nuclear engineering. UFRJ has been developing educational activities in nuclear security since 2015.

We are proud to be pioneers in several areas of knowledge, and we believe in the differential and the transformative potential that the WINS Academy presents to our institution. Professional certification is one of the best ways to assess the level of knowledge, skill and experience of our members. WINS certification will contribute to setting a high professional standard in nuclear security education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as for the professional development programme in our university.

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