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Meet a New WINS Academy Ambassador: Comfort Offornedu

Meet a New WINS Academy Ambassador: Comfort Offornedu

“Different individuals bring different skillsets and experiences to the table.”

Comfort Offornedu, Assistant Superintendent I at the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), discusses the importance of diverse perspectives and the need for certified personnel.

Why is gender parity important in the nuclear security sector?

I believe gender parity will change the chemistry of the nuclear security sector globally with a mix of people who will not only challenge each other’s perspectives, styles and values, but also learn from each other while creating a rich, broad-based and conducive atmosphere for productive engagements and service delivery.

Without gender diversity, a homogeneous group of men at the table may ultimately produce the same outcomes and approaches to problem-solving.

Inarguably, different individuals bring different skillsets and experiences to the table. Not having adequate representation of women could easily be detrimental to the desired innovations in the nuclear security sector.

Years ago, the seeming exclusivity of the sector to men meant nuclear security lacked all the required capacity; creativity; and potential intellectual imagination. Even though we are getting better at recapturing these lost resources, we’re nowhere near where we need to be. Therefore, it is important to ensure effective mainstreaming of gender issues in nuclear security.

Indeed, it is important that all of us, as key players and stakeholders in nuclear security, are responsible and feel responsible to take action collectively.

Why is WINS certification required in your organisation?

The NSCDC plays a major role in nuclear security as one of the key stakeholders. As a law enforcement agency under Nigeria’s Ministry of Interior, the Corp is empowered by virtue of the NSCDC Act of 2003 and amended as Act No 6 of 2007;

“To arrest with or without a warrant, detain, investigate and institute legal proceedings by or in the name of the Attorney-General of the Federation in accordance with the provision of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria against any person who is reasonably suspected to have committed an offence under this Act or is involved in any:

  • Chemical poison or oil spillage nuclear waste, poisoning.
  • The manufacture, possession, acquisition of weapons, explosives of nuclear, biological or chemical effect without lawful authority.
  • The release of dangerous substances, or causing of fire explosions or flood which endangers life, among others.”

Given the mandate of monitoring, detecting, responding, rescuing and evacuating people in the event of emergencies occasioned by weapons of mass destruction, NSCDC has benefitted hugely from WINS certification for its personnel.

With evolving technologies and protocols, WINS certification has promoted professional skills and expertise within the Corp while also boosting personnel dexterity and experience by exposing them to global best practices in the sector.

No doubt, our certified personnel are becoming more proficient in the nuclear security field with demonstrable capacity in their daily job delivery.

For sure, NSCDC is positive that WINS certifications will better prepare nuclear security officers to deal with day-to-day challenges; get the best out of new technologies; enhance their sense of value; and make them feel useful, productive and valued by the organisation while also enjoying a competitive advantage over their peers in this sector.

Generally, the advanced training, information and knowledge acquired from the specialised coursework readily provide our officers with updated tools and technical knowhow to effectively handle various aspects of their assignments; improve their personal skills and give them the confidence needed for research and to break new grounds in the nuclear security sector.

Operating in a very competitive environment, NSCDC sees WINS certification for officers as an opportunity to enhance its corporate image; credibility; and public confidence in dealing with nuclear security threats.

Aside presenting an avenue for lifelong learning; continuous capacity building; and career development among our officers, NSCDC believes WINS certification will keep the personnel motivated, actively engaged, and confident in discharging their responsibilities professionally.

“WINS certification will keep the personnel motivated, actively engaged, and confident in discharging their responsibilities professionally.”

What was your WINS Academy elective? Why did you choose it?

My WINS Academy elective was Nuclear Security Incident Management (NSIM). This was chosen because my core responsibility is CBRNE incident scene management in my organisation.

Choosing NSIM has helped to hone my professional and leadership skills as the Head of the Radiological and Nuclear Unit. I have also gained more confidence and learnt skills required to research and break new grounds in the field of nuclear security. Aside preparing me for higher career responsibilities, the course further exposed me to international best practices and standards, as well as a new level of skills, experience and expertise in discharging my duties.

Indeed, the NSIM has enhanced my self-image; reputation among peers; dedication and motivation in personal and professional career development as a nuclear security specialist while clearly boosting my career profile.

On the whole, this elective has not only given me a competitive advantage as a core professional, but also serves as proof of my capabilities in the field of nuclear security.

What inspired you to become a WINS Academy Ambassador?

Basically, I was inspired by my passion for nuclear security and that of the WINS team to see that everyone in nuclear security has the knowledge, skills, expertise and technical knowhow to operate within the sector.

Also, I have this burning desire as a woman to make an appreciable impact in nuclear security in order to encourage other young women to join the sector and do even better. Similarly, there is this zeal to ensure that every officer of the CBRNE department in my organisation becomes a Certified Nuclear Security Professional (CNSP) both at the state and federal level. I was conscious that becoming a WINS Academy Ambassador would provide me the privilege and all necessary support to achieve that goal.

For networking opportunities, I was convinced that becoming a WINS Academy Ambassador would elevate me to a unique group of certified and skilled professionals, an invaluable peer resource when seeking answers to problems or sharing the solutions to a challenging scenario. This peer group of certified professionals will also offer guidance on how I can further enhance my career or where to seek specific technical knowledge.

Importantly also, I am inspired by the need to be an integral part of the skilled workforce that helps my country detect and prevent any radiological and nuclear threat(s). As WINS Academy Ambassador, I can achieve this by engaging many Certified Nuclear Security Professionals and ensuring they are abreast of existing and emerging issues in the sector.

What advice do you have for current WINS Academy learners or those considering enrolling?

To all the WINS Academy learners and the incoming ones, I say you are on the right path. Just be and remain focused because it is a great career move and one of the best decisions you have made. No doubt, your competitors and peers will soon be no match when you are certified. WINS Academy certification is a transformative experience. However, the path to certification involves a great deal of hard work and sacrifice. All you require is determination, commitment and self-motivation to succeed.

WINS Academy certification has all the knowledge, skills, expertise and technicalities you need for career development and advancement in nuclear security. So, go for it and help make the world free of all forms of radiological and nuclear threats.

Don’t give up. Even if you fail the exam, brace up and write it again; draw strength from your capability, unwavering focus and goal of becoming a CNSP, as well as the privilege of joining a unique group of certified and skilled professionals.

You have taken a bold career step by enrolling for the WINS Academy certification to improve your efficiency and value in nuclear security. See you soon in WINS Academy Alumni meetings!

From the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps

What role does WINS certification play in your institution’s professional development programme?

As NSCDC is a law enforcement agency that plays pivotal roles in the nuclear security sector, WINS certification is fast repositioning NSCDC officers for effective mandate delivery, especially in the reduction and management of potential threats, accidents and emergencies, with proper and adequate education.

Having WINS CNSPs has not only been cost-effective for NSCDC in terms of training personnel, but has also expanded its network and access to valuable insight on nuclear security matters, with connections to credible institutions that makes it a better player in the sector.

Aside from enhancing NSCDC’s professionalism among lead agencies in Nigeria’s nuclear security sector, WINS certification has presented a platform for our personnel to learn new skills and acquire relevant knowledge that they now share with other sister organisations during nuclear security stakeholders’ meetings.

Fundamentally, it provides my organisation with a more technically advanced and motivated workforce that responds promptly to existing and emerging challenges.

Oke Felix

Assistant Commandant General

Crisis Management Directorate

“Having WINS CNSPs has not only been cost-effective for NSCDC in terms of training personnel, but has also expanded its network and access to valuable insight on nuclear security matters.”

How has your organisation benefitted from Comfort achieving CNSP status?

NSCDC has really benefitted from Comfort’s participation in the WINS Academy programme. We have full confidence in her capabilities regarding any nuclear security situation. Being the first to be certified in our organisation, the tremendous change in her attitude, job execution and commitment to her responsibilities have seen many of our staff enrolling for the WINS Academy programme. Three of them have already become certified.

Furthermore, she has become a lead facilitator and frontline respondent in capacity building on nuclear security issues within the NSCDC and the country at large.

Madu Hilary Kelech fsi

Deputy Commandant General

Directorate of Operations


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