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Meet a New WINS Academy Ambassador: Ouadie Kabach

Meet a New WINS Academy Ambassador: Ouadie Kabach

“Educational institutions and nuclear organisations are a keystone in the development of national, regional and global nuclear security.”

Ouadie Kabach is a PhD candidate at Mohammed V University in Morocco researching reactor physics. He shared his views on collaboration between the nuclear industry and educational institutions as well as the boost that certification can give early career professionals.

How can collaboration between educational institutions and other nuclear organisations promote nuclear security?

Collaboration helps to establish an educational programme that promotes a high level of nuclear training through human resource development. Without any doubt, educational institutions and nuclear organisations are a keystone in the development of national, regional and global nuclear security. The objectives of handling nuclear security challenges can be achieved through national, bilateral and international cooperation. Some achievements will be made through mutual cooperation with other relevant stakeholders as well as through information and best practice sharing, such as training, training content, teaching methods, and instructor training and certifications.

Why should early career professionals pursue certification?

Achieving Certified Nuclear Security Professional status as an early career professional leads to recognition of competency and prestige. Professional certification makes one a reference, helps their organisation achieve national leadership in nuclear security topics, and gives employers confidence in their abilities because it proves that a credible professional organisation has evaluated and approved their skills.

One of the key reasons to be certified is that it lets professionals keep up to date with all the techniques and regulations influencing their career. This applies perfectly to the WINS certification programme in nuclear security.

“Undertaking the WINS Academy certification in Nuclear Security for Scientists, Technicians and Engineers has given me a new perspective on nuclear security and my role as a scientist in it.”

What was your WINS Academy elective? Why did you choose it?

My WINS Academy elective was Nuclear Security Programme Management. As a young researcher in the field of nuclear technology, including security-related issues, I chose it because of its relevance to my current position.

Also, undertaking the WINS Academy certification in Nuclear Security for Scientists, Technicians and Engineers has given me a new perspective on nuclear security and my role as a scientist in it. I am hoping WINS membership will help me learn about the subject and contribute with the results of studies and research projects.

What inspired you to become a WINS Academy Ambassador?

Being a WINS Ambassador is a very rewarding opportunity both personally and in terms of career prospects.

I believe that this nomination may certainly be a motivation for promoting a network of young researchers wishing to orient towards the topic of nuclear security. It may also serve as a link in a network of collaboration between different countries.

What advice do you have for current WINS Academy learners or those considering enrolling?

By enrolling in the WINS Academy certification programme, you can receive an education that puts you at a distinct advantage over your peers who are interested in nuclear security and safety. Therefore, I want to encourage my colleagues and other academics to consider the WINS Academy as a way to learn, strengthen, and update their responsibility for nuclear security.

From A. Chetaine, head of the Nuclear Reactor and Nuclear Security Group at Mohammed V University and INSEN representative:

How has your organisation benefitted from Ouadie achieving Certified Nuclear Security Professional status?

Without debate, this achievement has helped Ouadie to build a strong knowledge of nuclear security, and the organisation to achieve national leadership as well as high-quality knowledge and teaching tools about nuclear security topics that led us to be able to develop and teach the nuclear security curriculum. With this certificate, Ouadie can be a model for our students and will encourage them to do better in the field of nuclear security. He can contribute to the teaching of nuclear security, and he already helps us to teach case studies.

“WINS certification is important because it is a tool that helps develop awareness and credibility.”

What role does WINS certification play in your institution’s professional development programme?

We believe that WINS certification is important because it is a tool that helps develop awareness and credibility in the field of nuclear security. It aligns with one of our mission statements, which is to enhance global nuclear security by developing, sharing and promoting excellence in nuclear security education. Thus, it will encourage more students and professionals in our institution to acquire this kind of certification. Our students are the new workers in the field of nuclear applications. With the help of the WINS programme, they will promote nuclear security and nuclear security culture.

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