Excellent learning and peer-to-peer networking opportunities with a cross-section of the nuclear industry.
The world’s first certified professional development programme for individuals in nuclear security management.
An extensive archive of information on nuclear security, both from WINS and from external sources.
Helping licensees assess the maturity of their security programme and measure their security culture effectiveness.
On September 15, 2015, WINS and the Stanley Foundation co-hosted a side event on the margins of the 2015 IAEA General Conference entitled: “Sustainable Nuclear Security Governance: Beyond the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS)”. This event, supported by the United States Permanent Mission in Vienna, brought together distinguished panelists representing the three areas of the Summit process (government, industry and civil society) and was facilitated by Mark Webster, a professional television journalist. Laura Holgate, Senior Director, WMD Terrorism & Threat Reduction, US National Security Council and US Sherpa, Jack Edlow, President, Edlow International and Chairman of the International Board of Advisors, Nuclear Industry Summit 2016, and Andrew Bieniawski, Vice President, Material Security and Minimization, Nuclear Threat Initiative and Steering Committee of the Fissile Materials Working Group, discussed the challenges of maintaining the momentum and achievements of the NSS process beyond the final Summit in 2016.
The event drew approximately 100 participants from a diverse international audience and featured electronic voting.
The event report presents highlights of remarks from the panel, audience responses, and resulting discussion. Click on the link below to download this report.