Excellent learning and peer-to-peer networking opportunities with a cross-section of the nuclear industry.
The world’s first certified professional development programme for individuals in nuclear security management.
An extensive archive of information on nuclear security, both from WINS and from external sources.
Helping licensees assess the maturity of their security programme and measure their security culture effectiveness.
WINS is pleased to announce that our 2018-2020 Strategy and underpinning Quality Management System Manual have been revised and are now available on our website.
Dr Roger Howsley, Executive Director, noted:
We are pleased to publish these updated documents and hope they provide our members with a clear explanation of the external strategic objectives through to 2020 and why they are so important. We have set out the document in a format very similar to the one used by the International Standards Organization (ISO) for its strategy and we remain committed to maintaining ISO certification for our management systems.
In that regard, the updated QMS Manual explains how WINS structures its processes to support the achievement of its strategy, both externally and for internal processes. We welcome feedback on any aspect of our work and how we can improve the services we provide. We anticipate publishing our 2020-2025 Strategy during 2019.