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Winner Announced for Charles Curtis Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security

Winner Announced for Charles Curtis Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security

The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2024 Charles Curtis Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security is Ms. Jasmin Diab, Partner and Managing Director of Global Nuclear Security Partners (GNSP) and President of Women in Nuclear Australia.

Ms Diab is the first recipient of the Charles Curtis Award, which recognises individuals who have made significant contributions to advancing nuclear security.

Ms. Diab exemplifies the traits of leadership, innovation, and commitment that this award seeks to honour. As Partner and Managing Director of GNSP, she has made significant contributions to the development of nuclear security, advocating for its critical role in global safety. Ms. Diab is a military veteran with decades of experience in countering chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. She draws on this experience to contribute as a member on the Nuclear Safety Committee of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), where she offers valuable guidance on nuclear safety and security to protect people and the environment.

In her capacity as President of Women in Nuclear Australia, Ms. Diab has been a powerful advocate for gender equality in the nuclear sector. Her advocacy has gained both national and international recognition, cementing her position as a leading voice in this space. Additionally, she has contributed greatly to WINS’ Gender Programme, where she was instrumental in the development of the Self-Assessment Tool and Reporting Framework, helping to promote gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in nuclear security.

When commenting on receiving the Award, Ms. Diab said, I am truly humbled to accept the Charles Curtis Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security. This accolade highlights the critical nature of our work and the shared commitment to advancing nuclear security. Together, we are making strides toward a more secure world.”

The Charles Curtis Award, first announced in December 2023 in connection with WINS’ 15th anniversary, requires individuals to be nominated in order to be considered as a recipient of this award. Ms. Diab was nominated by Mr. Nick Tomkinson, Senior Partner at GNSP, who remarked, “Jasmin’s unique background, combining military leadership, nuclear expertise, and a passion for education and advocacy, positions her as an outstanding candidate for this prestigious award. Her dedication to advancing nuclear security, coupled with her ability to lead and inspire, makes her a deserving recipient of the Charles Curtis Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security.

The award is named after Mr. Charles Curtis, the founding president of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a Washington-based nonprofit organisation that focuses on addressing nuclear and biological dangers threatening humanity.

“Jasmin’s tireless efforts in promoting nuclear security and in advancing the role of women in the industry have had a profound impact. This recognition highlights her exceptional achievements, and I look forward to seeing the continued positive change she will bring to our field,” said Mr. Lars van Dassen, Executive Director of WINS.

Mr. William Tobey, Chair of the WINS Board, remarked, “We are delighted to present Ms Diab with the Charles Curtis Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security. Her remarkable achievements and steadfast commitment embody the values that Charles Curtis stands for. This award recognises not only Ms Diab’s expertise but also her unwavering dedication to protecting humanity.”

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