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WINS 2015/2016 Annual Members Satisfaction Survey Results

WINS 2015/2016 Annual Members Satisfaction Survey Results

Over 450 WINS members took part in the 2015/2016 annual WINS Members Satisfaction Survey, which closed on February 7, 2016. The analysis of results shows a very high level of satisfaction with our activities, consistent with previous years. We are delighted to highlight that 95% of the respondents indicate they have changed approaches to security because of their interactions with WINS. This indicator is of central importance to WINS as we highly value stakeholder feedback and use it to identify how we can best support the international community and the WINS members whom we serve.

The Annual Survey results are compiled in the table below:

I benefit from WINS Membership.


WINS is a valuable forum.


The WINS guides are effective for self-assessment.


The WINS guides cover relevant topic.


Publishing the guides in different languages is important.


Attending a WINS workshop was time well spent.


WINS workshops are innovative.


I have modified approaches to security because of WINS.


The WINS website is useful.


My interactions with WINS are dealt with professionally.


The Survey is also a useful tool to gather our members’ feedback about how to improve the services we offer and to propose new activities. Some of the suggestions provided include a calendar of nuclear security events organised by external organisations, such as the IAEA and others; a discussion tool to allow members to connect; and the development of mechanisms for evaluating the impact of WINS programmes. These valuable ideas will be implemented in the WINS Academy programme in 2016. We also note that the translation of our publications and modules remains important to our members. We are striving to address these requests, but doing so requires that funding be available. Additional popular topics that WINS members wish us to address include the security and safety interface, stakeholder engagement, radioactive sources security, security at nuclear power plants and computer security. These suggestions will guide us in the development of future publications and training events.

We would like to congratulate Anne Cooper from EDF Energy in the United Kingdom for winning the Annual Survey prize. Upon receiving this prize, Ms Cooper shared her experience with WINS: “As an internal regulator of an international company that owns and operates nuclear power plants, I was assigned to write a surveillance scope to determine where the company’s fleet of UK stations sat when measured against international best practise.  Having the WINS International Best Practise Guides at my fingertips was an invaluable resource to help construct the framework on which to assess the company’s security practises and culture and identify gaps to excellence.  The monthly competitions allow me to focus my attention on particular areas each month. I find them really useful as a fun (but demanding) way of confirming and refreshing knowledge.” Ms Cooper will enrol in the WINS Academy programme of her choice for free.

On behalf of the WINS team, thank you to all WINS members and we are looking forward to another productive year with you!

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