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Information Circular

Transport Security of Nuclear Materials

Jan 10 2017
Statement on behalf of Japan
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Third Nuclear Security Summit, The Hague, March 24-25, 2014. Leaders of participating States (France, Japan, Republic of Korea, UK, USA) issued a Joint Statement committing to enhance security in nuclear material transport.




2014 Joint Statement highlights:

  • Consider table-top exercises for all transport modes
  • Propose sharing good practices with IAEA and other States while safeguarding sensitive information
  • Encourage additional participating States, especially those with transport experience


December 1-3, 2015 meeting:

  • Expanded to include Canada, Hungary, and Kazakhstan
  • Reaffirmed commitment to the 2014 Joint Statement
  • Produced good practices guides for air, rail, road, and sea transport modes, based on national operations



  • Fourth Nuclear Security Summit, Washington DC, March 31 to April 1, 2016
  • Governments of multiple countries express commitment to enhance overall security in nuclear material transport
  • Reaffirm commitment to exchange national practices via IAEA and GICNT, utilising the four “good practices guides.”
  • Support IAEA, GICNT, and Global Partnership for implementing nuclear transport security obligations post-Nuclear Security Summit 2016


Is your country committed to the INFCIRC/909 initiative?

Commitments from the governments of Japan, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Korea, Republic of, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Romania, Malaysia